Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Job... dilema

Well... I still have no job and have no idea where to look. The economy is crap.... and there are no jobs around here.... I am willing to look elsewhere but Catie will not. It is tough... I feel like she has found herself a bit more these days and comes home excited about work almost everyday (which is a big change).

So here is the problem. I get ChurchStaffing.com's job posts and there are 3 jobs that I could do no problem and am VERY qualified for... in fact most of them describe my job skills almost to a T. But the problem is they are all in Troy Michigan... 4 hours away. Catie will freak out if I tell her that I want to move... and I don't really want to move.... I just want a job. All the jobs are at churches (in fact 2 of them are at the church that our old Pastor, Paul, is planting out of. It is a church of 10,000 and that is a lot of people. I also don't know if I would want to work in a church seeing I am so stinkin sick of church politics... but maybe I would avoid them somehow... but I doubt it.

Catie does NOT want to move. She is going to start crying if I even mention this to her. Still, I am just a bit tempted to send in my resume... I mean maybe I wouldn't even get a call back. Who knows.... I think I might though.... unless the jobs are already filled. One of the jobs I probably wouldn't take though because it wouldn't be worth me moving for, as far as pay goes. I just don't know what to do... because I could do what they want.... easily (at least it sounds like it). Soooooo I don't know what to do. I want to keep our house. I love our friends... I am getting a bit less attached to the area... but I love the people here and love Holland. I will miss my friends. Selling the house will be a bit of a problem too because we will have to pay back a bunch of money to the city that we wouldn't have to if we lived here for 5 years.

DANG IT! It is always so hard. I am stressed BIG TIME as far as jobs go. I think about it 80% of the time... it is always on my mind. These jobs just seemed like they might be good because I literally never look at the churchstaffing posting because I don't really want to work in a church right now... but then I look today and find at least 3 I am qualified for.

I feel like I want to send out a resume but I don't think I will move unless I had to. That is just being honest... I just don't think I would do it... it is tempting though. But there is just the feeling that I would rather have Catie happy at work and find a crappy job for me for now. But on the other hand, Catie is super stressed about finances right now.

I just don't know way I have to work so hard for jobs. I literally don't think I have ever had a job just fall into my lap (except the temporary church work). I always have to search and search it seems to find any job... it sucks. It has been from age 13 to now... that is a long time.

So what do you all think? Let me know. I will pray about it too.


Matt Swier said...

I think you could at least send in your resume and get valuable interview experience and confidence. As always, keep praying and if you were offered the job, God would let you know whether or not to take it. I have a story on this I'll have to tell you sometime!

Josh said...

thanks Matt