Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Getting Old

So I think I am getting old or something.....

#1. I drive a minivan.... and frankly kind of like it because it is SUPER comfortable.
#2. TV shows and certain music bothers me to listen to if it has a really bad message or is trashy. Like a lot of the MTV shows and hit songs..... man I feel old just saying that.

#2. is the one that is more strange to me. I know in college I would watch shows like family guy and for the most part I thought it was awesome and hilarious... now I definitely don't watch it when Catie or the kids are around but even when they aren't around.... it is too "trashy" a lot of the time. I just can't watch it. Some parts are funny... but it is the other stuff I don't like.

And it is the same way with music. I would rather spend my time listening to worship music (most of the time... not all the time) then listening to the latest hits. I will say I don't have to just listen to christian music or think I need to... I just sometimes like it more.

I say all this to say.... I hope I am not turning old and uptight. Those are two things I want to avoid.... big time. But my problem is some stuff is just so bad... I don't want to watch or listen... it actually bothers me.

So here is my conclusion....
#1. I am getting older
#2. I have kids and I really start to realize the crap you/they watch sticks with you and forms who you are.
#3. I am more sensitive to the Holy Spirit. I realize more now that God doesn't want me filling my head with crap... and I know that. And I think I know His voice better than I used to.

I just don't want to go down the road of the uptight Christian.... but I guess if that means steering clear of junk for my family and listen to the Holy Spirit I will probably be better off anyways.....

Oh boy... here we go... the journey to being old. :)

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