Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Things I have learned Day #1

So, it has been a while again. I wrote last week but never posted it... I don't think I will.

But anyways, I had an idea while at work today and decided I was going to try and write something I learned each day. I think it should be fun.

I always learn more than one thing a day so this could get hard.

So here is the first one I have been learning this for a while.

#1. Before you make a remark or "speak into" someones life make sure you know them and their situation intimately well.

If you don't know someone and their situation intimately, do not judge, or in fact, make any comment about there situation at all... unless it is encouraging. Unless you've been to the exact place someone is in or are walking step by step with them, do not open your mouth or even make a judgment in your mind (it is hard not to do but beneficial to you actually getting to know the person).

I have learned about this in a serious way since being "poor". You would be surprised the insensitive comments/attitudes/looks people give you (friends, family, and random people in stores). Although the comments/ect aren't usually outright verbal slams, people seem more than will to make judgment calls before they know you. Like people behind you in line when you use a WIC card at the store, or when your family members make small comments here and there about you "not managing your money"... (yes, because managing my $28,000 a year better will some how magically give me enough money to pay all of my bills, old medical bills and school loans... on $8 an hour (how do you manage money you don't have?).

I just dealt with a situation yesterday and it reminded me that I will try to never again make a judgment call about a person before I really know them AND their situation (some people think just knowing the person gives you some right to "speak into their life".

So that is what I learned today. Hopefully tomorrow will be something like "how to fix an electrical outlet" or something less stressful :)

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