Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Apparently, once a week is all i want to do right now. Blogging seems to be work at times... but I also think it can be good for me too.

Well nothing much new in the life of Josh right now. I have been still looking for work and sending out apps, and just working at Menards @ 6am-10am and then on Saturdays when I can... working 6 days a weeks is not much fun... even if it is for only a few hours a day most of the week. You just see the place too much it seems... but really it isn't that bad. I don't mind it.

The rest of life is mostly just the same old same old. The kids are growing up quickly, Jude stands on his own now (when he wants) and Noelan is really close to being potty trained (yesterday he just went into the bathroom and went poop in the toilet.... yet today he poop in his diaper... so who knows). Catie is working 32 hrs a week and she wants to see the kids more.

The sad thing about Catie and my work is that we are working in the range of 50-60 hours a week at above minimum wage and we are not even close to being ok financially.... so my conclusion...minimum wage is not very possible to live off of.... I can't imagine single parents trying to do it.... crazy.

hmmmmmm.... what else..... we have new sound people that Steve and I trained at church... one guy is already ready to go!

I haven't been pursuing God like I need to... or really at all... not a good idea. I need to pursue but I am tired of the rat race of life.... never ending running.... never quite drowning but never quite swimming... and pursuing takes time and energy... something that I am really low on right now. (maybe not a good excuse but it is how I am feeling).

I have been thinking a lot about what I would like to do... and I still don't really know. I know I want to help people in some way. I know I need to be with people, they give me energy... most of the time. And really that is all I know. I keep wondering if I should go and try to do church work of somekind but I am just not excited about that at this very moment. I kind of want to work at a church but really I kind of don't at the same time.

So that is all for now. I just really wish I had an idea of where I am going in life or where I want to head and I would also not mind having a job right now :)

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