Thursday, April 17, 2008


So we are doing this new series in church call "One Prayer". It is a really cool idea that Dave found in a blog that he reads. The basic idea is that you fill in the blank "Make us [as a Church] _____". I think it is a great idea and will help us begin to get the church back into the hands of the people of the church (because we are allowing more people to talk). It will also help the congregation see the leadership's vision but also give the congregation members a chance to speak to if they want to (We are going to do little video clips of anyone who wants to state their one prayer aka "Make Us _____"). It is a lot of video but it will be well worth it. So be excited!

I think if I did a prayer I would say "Make us transparent". I think most if churches would say: "Make us transparent but not too transparent... maybe transparent like frosted glass or a two way mirror). Someone recently said to me..." the Church so often treats the comgregation like mushrooms... it keeps them in the dark and cover them with bullshit".And after I got done laughing at that statement... I realized how true and sad that statement is. Wow... that is what the church has become... that is the perception of a person that goes to a church (no wonder so many people think Christians are full of crap... because even the most loyal members of churches think the Church is full of it).

I hate that... I hate the dark and covering people in crap... people do it to protect their Christian image, or the image of a church, or the image of Jesus (And just so you know Jesus doesn't need your protection... so don't flatter yourself). I so desire for truth to be spoken from the pulpit and in everyday life, into the lives of everyday people. So often it seems the only person you are fooling is yourself... and in the process you are making a bad name for the Church, Christianity and Jesus in the mean time.

I am just so tired of the classic Christian spin that we so often show the world... The lies that our lives so often are... we have allow half truths to be spoken in the name of Christ for the good of IMAGE. We think the best way to avoid anger, confusion, and confict is just to not tell the whole truth. Sadly I know this because I have seen this. We don't open ourselves up to each other (the Christian community) or the rest world and them we get wrapped up in the same crap as the rest of the world. (whether that is porn, alcohol, drugs, sex whatever the case)... Then because we know we have been "bad" we hide (just like Adam and Eve). Yes, not being transparent is a result of a sinful nature but Christianity is supposed to be a counteraction to sin not an aid.

Sadly, Christians have created an environment that breeds cover up for sin. We are trained to keep all our sinful desires hidden inside. We need to speak truth. Not speaking the truth to make ourselve look better but speak the truth to actually show people Christ. I want people to say... "Those Christians sure are open with their struggles. In fact it is really weird but they love each other still.. they love each other more because they go through the crap together."

Now I don't condone so much "transparency" that we express every though that crosses our mind. That would cause even more problems... Ultimately, Christianity it is about real people being real... being themselves. We don't have to hide if we make mistakes or are hurt or are unhappy... we are people... sinful people (although that is not an excuse overuse grace). If we are truely loving to each other and not judgmental this would/will be a lot easier.

Imagine transparent honesty... we are taught from an early age to be honest... but we don't know fully what that means. We think honesty is just simply not lying, cheating or stealing but that is selling honesty short... honestly is being transparent. Transparent in struggles of life, transparent with your faith.... it means being real.

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