Saturday, April 12, 2008


Alright ministry as a job is so... tough. I friend was a youth pastor for the past 3 years and just recently left his church because the head pastor was undercutting a bunch of his ministry stuff. Now I know there are always two sides to every story but it just seems so often that that is ministry that Christians getting mad at one another within leadership is just part of Christianity. That is hard for me to stomach.

Lately, I have found myself saying... "Do I want to do minstry?" It would just be easier to not know what goes on in churches... because apparently all churches behind the scenes are a bit ugly. But like people always tell me, stupid crap happens in church because church is made up of a bunch of people.. regular sinful people. The congregation: sinful, the leadership board: sinful, the pastors: sinful... we are all just people. Now don't get me wrong there should be a difference between a Christian and a non-believer just based on the fact that we are a part of Christ.. but still people are still people.

I love people though. They are what life is about. We live with so many people... so many awesome, beautiful, unique, funny people... all of whom are searching for something. And I want to show them Christ. I still am trying to figure out how to do that... how to be an "effective" Christian. A person that reaches other people on a real level... but I just have a hard time figuring out how to do that (I am sure there are a lot of ways).

Now, thing that I do know is that I need to break the ideas of "the religion" of Christianity... Religions are ultimately worthless... religious Christians make me not want to be a Christian.

A lot of this thinking comes from the book Unchristian... Dave gave me the book. It is super interesting and it speaks directly to me (and my generation). It talks about the need to reach a new generation of people that don't care about Christianity. People from Christian families just don't care about being a part of a religion of tradition. This is a new generation that sees Christians as close minded, hypocritical, and unable to be relevant to today's culture.

You know what... when I think of Christianity... that is what I think of too. And I work at a church. I am skeptical of most Christians when I meet them and as far as churches go.... I think all to many are filled with people who have yet to really experience life in Jesus Christ. Now, I am not saying that they are not "saved" I am just saying that they know the rules and the regulations of today's Christianity but they don't care enough to actually know Christ. To let Christ live in their everyday lives.
But Christ in everyday life really hard. I just want people to find out how awesome Jesus was and is... I want them to be set free from life as they know it..... I just have yet to find out how to reach a new generation that is tired of religious crap... If you have lived in the U.S. you know about church and have heard of Jesus and it seems that everybody and there dog is a Christian in some shape or form or if they aren't a Christian they went to church growing up (or something like that).

I need to reach people with Christ... Jesus was cool... and having Christ in your life is such a relief... I just long to show people truth... a transparent truth... just Jesus. No more religion.

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