Alright, seriously... I saw a bumper sticker that said that recently. Come on now... is it that trendy now. NBC did the green thing too... so does that mean NBC is next to God? Just kidding... or am I? :) Anyways, don't get me wrong I am sure there was and can be a good case made to show that God is green. He did create the entire earth, people, plants and animals... so if anyone knows how to be green it would be God (and he did instruct Adam to take CARE of everything). Jesus also was probably green to... this was because back then being green was called SURVIVAL.
(side note... I know where the sticker came from and I have no problem with the place)
Now bumper stickers are cool but here is the good stuff.
Catie and I are getting more green too. Because green is the coolest. Here are 10 reasons why.
#1. We recycle (like everyone else).
#2. Catie is signed up for yahoo groups call Freecycle, Cheapcycle and Michigan Tightwads (check those out they are sweet if you pay attention). We get all sorts of people's junk for free. And get good tips on how to do stuff for cheap/free. Now that it TRUE RECYCLING (thank you Catie).
#3. I bought a bunch of the books on how to be green but I have to read them quickly because they are made of biodegradable paper which will dissolve within one year after purchase
#4. The last number was a lie
#5. Most of our clothes are bought at Salvation Army on 50 cent day (thanks again to Catie). So we can get a bunch of peoples used clothes for a little money. (more recycling)
#6. We have small cars that are good on gas.... they are also old and crappy. And when we get a newer car it will be used... but this is mostly because we are cheap.
#7. We use cloth diapers. Not all the time but a lot of the time (on our daughter... our son will take them off and do his business on the floor).
#8. Catie is making wool (naturally antibacterial) diaper covers (for cloth diapers) out of 50 cent sweaters. (2-3 covers out of 1 sweater)
#9 We are putting gutters on out house that will run the rain into a water storage barrel (that has a hose connected) so we can water our plants... for free.
#10. The ultimate sign we are green......Today I broke up a sidewalk behind out house that we wanted to move... with a large rock (instead of a sledgehammer) and then we are going to take the old pieces of cement and build a patio... (pictures are above)
Now that is being green... all you crazy green people
The Reality:
It is true being green is about being smart, and not wasteful but most of all it is about being CHEAP and resourceful (but of course now because green is trendy everyone will be spending more money to be green... now that is funny).
You the man! Nice work breaking the concrete. But you do need to teach your video person how to shoot video.
yeah... well have to work on that. But it is better than her not turning the camera on at all. :)
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