Saturday, June 28, 2008
So I just wanted to say, THANK YOU! You guys are great!
For the most part we just need to finish some laundry and wipe some stuff down with bleach water. Now I am just praying that it doesn't happen again.
Thanks again!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
And tomorrow I don't have a ton of time to work on the basement because I have a video for Sunday morning to do..... maybe I'll put that aside until Saturday.... Ken might have to wait.
So I don't normally use my blog to ask for help (or anything) but I will this time.... if anyone wants to come and help our family in anyway... I would love it... and greatly appreciate it. I am not sure how Catie is going to handle 3 kids and to 20+ loads of laundry and cleaning up everything that was covered in sewage (when she is close to being on almost bed rest... due to after birth complications). So if you want to help... we would love it but if not that is cool too.
Just a thought
I was really glad he asked me that question. It was one of those questions that even when you move past the question in conversation it still just stick in your mind.... because you know it is a question you need to ask yourself (or maybe it is a comment that is true that you can't stop thinking about). He knew when he asked me the question what the answer was.
I love talking to that friend. We are almost polar opposites... he is quiet, I am not, he loves time alone, I could be around people all the time, I love music, art and thinking creatively, he might like music and art but I don't think he can do either of them extremely well; he is great at business and organization, lets just say organization isn't a strong point of mine and lastly he is not to great at technology (ok he is not very good at all), I on the other hand have a degree in it.... and I know there are a lot of other thing we are different in BUT that must be why I like talking to him so much... I get a totally different perspective a lot of times. I need that... I know I need that. ( So, if you read this thank you... for taking time to talk).
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The reception afterwards was insane. It started raining so all 500+ people crammed into the hallway trying to get food. Craziness.
Like I said earlier it is weird to think that this was Paul's final Sunday. I am sad to see it end in kind of a rough way. It wasn't bad but I know there were a lot of frustrations on both ends that i wish could have not happened. But like Paul said today, we are humans and there will always be faults in the way we approach situations and people.
I know the church will be ok and that Paul will be ok too. I just pray that he finds the place that God wants him to be. That he finds a place that he can thrive. I also pray that our church finds that same place.... a place that it can thrive and impact people. I pray that this day will just be a turning point to something greater.
Friday, June 20, 2008
So I have a pretty good acoustic but I want an electric. I found an Ibanez at RIT music dowtown BUT they don't make them in left handed (of course). So I spent some time tonight searching high and low for different left handed guitars. I like different stuff and I was thinking of getting a semi-hollow body guitar but they only ones I can find are either no good or too expensive. BUT I stumbled across this website They have quite a few lefties and they are weird looking BUT they are kind of expensive (no too bad I guess).. a lot of them sound a lot like a strat...Ultimately, I care about the sound they produce more than how cool they look. But they are sweet looking.
So in the first chapter of 1 Samuel you run across a woman named Hannah. She is married to Elkanah and can't have any children. She really wants to have kids but never can conceive (And to top it off is getting harassed by Elkanah's other wife who can have children).
So Hannah prayed that God would give her a son and she made God a promise:
"11 And she made a vow, saying, "O LORD Almighty, if you will only look upon your servant's misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the LORD for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head."
And you know what God showed up (as He seems to do often). And Hannah conceived and had Samuel.
And Hannah followed through on what she had promised. She gave Samuel to Eli to raise.
There is more to the story... Hannah goes on to have more kids... Samuel goes on to lead a nation.
What catches me was the fact that Hannah followed through on what she said, even in a situation that would have been terribly difficult. We often read the passage and can just read over how hard it must have been. Can you imagine waiting and waiting to have a baby (getting made fun of everyday because you had no kids) and then when a baby finally came, you raised him for the first year or so (getting more attached to him) and then you just gave him up to someone else.
I don't know if I could do that very easily (in fact I couldn't do it easily if at all). After just having a new baby I am more amazed at Hannah's commitment to God. That is intense commitment. That is true commitment... and trust.
I know I have prayed about things I have needed before and have received those things. A lot of times I think I forget to even thank God for what I have received. It is just really easy to forget what God gives you and it is hard to remember that God give you everything you need Matt 6 . Once a prayer is answered I often forget about how thankful I should be (and I don't even have to give God give anything but praise... let alone my first born).
It is easy to dismiss what God does in your life. We are so practical here in America. Most things can be explained away very easily. It is so easy to discount what God has done in a lot of situations. I think that is why we don't see "miracles" as often around here... we are too practical and logical. Everything has an explanation... and if it doesn't we will search for one. We so often missed how many prayers God answers for us (even if they look a lot different than what we expect). We just miss God's work in our lives when we don't give thanks and recognize the little stuff. Hannah could have said, "Well, thank you God for this boy. I figured one day I might get pregnant so maybe it was more of biological then spiritual... but God, You will understand if I keep him, right? He is my first.... maybe the next one I will give up." But she didn't say that. She saw the miracle of what God had given her. And God rewarded her with more children because of her commitment to Him. (And because she of her commitment she gave birth to a leader of the nation... I bet she didn't see that coming).
I guess my final rambling leads me to wonder how committed am I really to God? Would I give him the things I cherish the most? Am I that committed? And what does God give me everyday that I forget to thank Him for?
For me the answer to those questions make me uncomfortable, for I would have a hard time giving up my family for God (although I would like to think I would). And I know for a fact that I often miss what God does in my life.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Just a note
check them out
I love people... BUT they are crazy
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I love people
Lately I have had a lot more time off because my wife just had a baby... and frankly I needed some time off. So in the mean time I have been more relaxed but really bored (that also has to do with the fact that I can't do anything physical because I have a bum ankle (although it is getting better).
So while I have been sitting around on the computer a lot more I have been reading a bunch of different blogs that my friend Dave has links to. (I keep checking his blog for a new one but Dave seems to me M.I.A.) Anyways, I now know why Dave read so many blogs. They are dang interesting... and you can learn a ton from just a few minutes reading other people blogs.
While reading these blogs I have realized a few things.
#1. People are awesome... especially if the actually let you into their mind.
#2. A lot of people have really good thoughts that are better and wiser than mine.. I like that.
#3. Christianity is big and broad and peoplem struggle with the same issues we do a LVC and personally for me.
#4. Honesty is the key to a good blog. People like honesty whether they realize it or not.
So reading blogs just make me more excited about the possibility of doing more ministry stuff.. there are a lot of interesting, wise thinkers out there
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tough but good
Even when I am frustrated or bummed about something someone in that group is always there for me. Not everyone can say that. Even though I don't have a lot of money of "stuff" and it always seems like I am struggling with job stuff. I have a lot of people that make life really good.... it is tough sometimes... but overall good God has really blessed me.
Lately it has been my two "older" kids, that have kept me laughing. But I guess they are at that age of getting personalities (2 1/2 and 14 months). If I am bummed about something, they almost always make me laugh about something. Whether it is dancing, prancing, singing, head-butting me in the face (Soe) or saying something totally random (Noelen).... I have been getting more joy from them. I see why people really like their kids.
Monday, June 16, 2008
3 is a bit harder
I just am glad for TV right now. Noelen is watching Curious George and Soe is in bed again (she was being grumpy) and Catie and Jude are sleeping. SO now I have a moment to write.
The baby this week has made me think about the future more, that and the fact that our church is not doing so well financially... meaning I am not sure what is happening with my job there. It is though but it is just a reality I guess. I am trying to figure out if God is pushing me out of Lakeshore on to another church or another job or maybe neither.
I just know that I can't/don't want to do the part-time thing forever. I love being there most of the time but I do need to figure some stuff out. I think this part of my life is necessary and shaping me more into what God wants me to be. (I never could have had the church experience I've had over the past few years anywhere else... and I certainly learned a lot). I have been seriously thinking about taking some seminary classes online if possible. But Catie and I were talking and she needs to go and get a social work masters to get into the field she wants to (non-profit stuff) and we need the income of a real job (and she would be so happy doing that kind of stuff... she is so passionate about people in need).
We will see where this take me. God only knows I guess. I have to remember not to stress over this... it is just hard not to. I really want to go into ministry and I realize there don't seem to be too many options around here (unless you start as a youth leader and work your way up). I just don't know if I want to start as a youth leader.... I certainly don't want to be a senior pastor or anything but some kind of a pastor... working with people.
I often find myself wondering if I should just go into media stuff but I REALLY don't want to. I would just be looking for a way out the whole time...before I even started the job (unless it was a media job that I works mostly with people... and is about helping people.... and not super stressful (which most media and video stuff is)).
So, as I type it doesn't seems as if I am giving much to God. I really want to do that.... give myself fully to God. Submit to him. Stu gave a really good message on that on Sunday... just learning who God is (a bit more) and submitting your life fully to Him..... I will try and do that more in my life
Quick note: I was typing and eating Golden Grahams and Noelen came over and asked for a bite.. so I gave him a few until it was gone.... then he all of a sudden stuck his whole face in my bowl and slurped out all the milk.
Friday, June 13, 2008
1 boy coming right up!
Judah came into the world. It was a pretty fast delivery. (In fact his face is a bit bruised because the delivery was so fast) Catie was amazing as always. She is doing great and so is the baby.
We were a little nervous for a second though. the doctor had to cut the cord while he was half way out because it was wrapped around his neck. And then because of the cord he needed a little oxygen (pumped into his lungs) to get breathing… I think Catie and I weren’t breathing while waiting to hear the first cry… but then he did cry… and everything worked out ok. I am still stirred up but I will calm down in a few minutes. Thank you God…. for this boy!
So now we will rest…
Here are the stats:
Judah Joshua Hauch
Born: 9:02am
8lbs 8 oz
20 inches long
Thursday, June 12, 2008
8:00pm ish we came into the hospital. Catie is 3cm dilated but the nurse could feel the bag o' water pushing out. :) So that is the update for now. We have some contractions and I think we are staying here (especially since we induce at 7am tomorrow).
And like always this baby comes during a sports game. Noelen came after a monday night football game. Soe came after the NCAA championship game. And this baby will come after I watch game 4 of the NBA finals.... my kids are born to love sports :)
I am going to blog this thing out on Catie's blog the rest of the time so here is the link
I find myself eating.... which is a bad combo with not being able to be active.... I will be doing the opposite of my friend Dave (losing 10 pounds in 10 weeks)... I will be gaining 10 pounds in 10 weeks. Well, hopefully not.... but seriously... I am so dang bored. My son, Noelen, is bored too he has played some today but has been vegging watching Noggin (a sweet tv channel by Nic Jr) for the last hour.
Alright... now we are going to go build blocks... so I guess I won't be bored for the next little bit...
Well that is kind of true.....
How does Catie do this all the time?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
It is tough to be in this position.... a little bit humbling... and a lot more boring. Today is a beautiful day and normally I would be running around like a mad man enjoying the awesome weather. But instead I am embarrassed to say my "due any minute" wife is doing a bunch of the stuff I should be doing (and she is hurting a lot as well). I hate that......
Speaking of my wife and baby... On Friday (if it doesn't come sooner) we are inducing (yeah!). That will be good. Catie will instantly be in a better mood. I know that sounds weird but really... as soon as that baby gets out of her she is 75% more relaxed. She always says the hospital is like a vacation.... no kids, great service, and the one kids you do have gets taken care of most of the time by nurses :) Its kind of funny cause most moms keep the baby with them as much as possible. Now Catie love her kids but also likes a good break.... I would be the same way.
So that is the happenings for now!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
ok i have to show these
alright I found these pics on yahoo news and thought they were crazy and interesting

A dried blue whale penis (L) is mounted and displayed at the

A car collides into cyclists participating in a race in

Zhang Wenxiu, 65, prays for earthquake victims in a tent in the earthquake-hit Anxian
check out my cankle
Forced to stop
The other few times I sprained my ankle most of the swelling was in my foot... meaning within a few days (a day or 2) I was up and limping around... this time I literally can't do anything because the ball on my ankle is HUGE and I can't move my foot at all. It can't bend to standing position. Its stuck at a 45 degree angle.... I am extremely frustrated too because my wife (who is 9 months pregnant and read to burst) has to be the one to take care of me and the kids.... I hate that.
So I said I wanted time off..... so here it is... i guess. But now I can't do any of the things I NEED to get done. Today I was going to drywall my bathroom so we actually have a bathtub to use but... I can't do that. We have a leak in our roof that is getting our main floor bathroom ceiling drywall all moldy and wet (oh, boy) and I can't to anything about that ...and it keeps raining. As I said I have a very pregnant wife, due in 2 days, who can't even really bend down to pick up the kids (let alone carring them upstairs). And now she is taking care of me. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Dang it!
I wanted time off but I didn't want to be stuck being crippled .... I really do have a lot of stuff to do.
The only good thing about this is that I am at home... so Catie will be happy... and this will possible make me slow down enough... maybe I will be able to take some time with God today. That would be nice.
I guess this all said I just didn't want my "vacation" to be an "injury time out" instead
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Need to blog more
So lately I have been stressed. I couldn't figure out why but if I blog it usually works
1. I haven't spent time with God which always makes me more stressed out... yesterday I didn't even go into Menards and still at the end of the day I was thinking... I kind of feel like crying for no real reason (that is when I know I am tired and stressed).
2. I don't want to go to work. I want to stay home for a week but I have a lot to do at church and my computer isn't fast enough (I also could probably use a bit better time management)
3. Church stuff is still being so..... crappy. Pastor Paul preached on Sunday and it was really good. And then I had a 2 hour discussion with him on Tuesday that was great BUT now a new thing has been thrown into the mix to make people pissed off... this is so dumb.
4. My wife is mad at me literally everyday. She is SUPER pregnant and is really hurting so she is just pissed all the time. I can't blame her BUT I try and avoid her too. This of course makes her more mad and she tries to get me to stay home all the time... I on the other hand try to leave all the time... to avoid more conflict... (although, lately I have been leaving when I don't always want too). So home isn't so much of a relief spot right now.
5. I often find myself wondering where my life is leading me if anywhere. I want a real job... at least I think so... sometimes. I wonder why I am at Menards... stocking shelves... I wonder why God has me there... or if I am supposed to be somewhere different.
6. To top it off this month I have a lot of video projects. I am helping Dave with a senior video this week..... for Sunday.... and I feel like I should do more of the editing to ease Dave of some stress.... I also have to resend a video out to a guy in Cali that was supposed to be done a lot time ago. I also have a Wing of Mercy project that I need to film. And later this month I need to film 5 people for a video sermon for the 29th.
I am tired. I want a vacation. I want that baby to be born. I want relief from stress.... a time to decompress. I want the church thing to level off.... to be DONE. I want people to COMMUNICATE. I want to follow God's leading on my life and spend more time with Him. I am spent..... and frustrated. And just tired of crap.